Thursday, May 5, 2016

YOLO Nation

In case you are unaware, "YOLO" means "You Only Live Once."  This is the life we are living now, in YOLO nation.  We have been pulled out of our comfort zones, we are sweating, we smell bad, the bathrooms hardly ever have toilet paper, we're lucky if we get enough sleep and we are riding in a bus more than anything else.  So when we sometimes do something a little crazy, it's because we are living in YOLO nation.  I have Alyssa to thank for the title of this post.

We've been working hard.  Today (I believe) is our last day of going to schools and doing teaching/seeing local adults for their medical problems.  Here is how a typical day goes in this leg of the trip:

6:30 AM - we wake up and get ready
7:00 - we climb into the bus
7:30 - we stop at the breakfast place.  We are going around with a group called "Charity Everywhere" and they made a deal with a small restaurant place to always make up breakfast and dinner. 
8:30 - we're back in the bus and travelling to the school
9-10ish - we arrive at the school and start working
4:00 - we stop working and start traveling
7:30 - dinner time
9-11ish - we get ready for the next day and try to get into bed as soon as possible

Yesterday, we went for a swim in a river.  It was so beautiful!  Alyssa took my picture because I forgot my camera (sounds familiar, eh?), but she hasn't been able to send it to me yet.  Internet problems, you know.  So you'll have to wait for that picture.

To make up for that, here is a picture of when I learned how to dance the bachata!

It's sometimes hard working, and not because we are sweating away in the Amazon.  A lot of people come because they want to take advantage of the only opportunity they may have for years to see a dentist or doctor.  Most of the kids have terrible teeth.  They are black and with so many holes that there my be nerve damage because they don't complain of any pain.  The problem is that there is a lot of demand, but not enough supplies.  Yesterday, the doctor could only take 15 patients, but there were over 40 people there waiting to be seen. We had to send many of them away.  It always makes you feel bad to do so, but there's nothing else you can do.

I was going to post more pictures, but the internet is starting to get really bad and won't let me upload them.  I hope you're ok with only one picture.  On Friday, we'll be in the city again and should have good internet again....hopefully.....

Peace out, y'all!


  1. Will be excited to see more pictures but glad you are posting... I bet you will sleep for a week when you get back :)

  2. Sounds like quite the adventure! We love reading your posts! So crazy that we are cold in Norway, and you are sweating in the Amazon:). So glad you are able to do this. Love you lots!

